AIP, Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, No Egg, No Nuts, No Processed Sugar
This Spring Roll recipe has loads of vegetables in it and it’s a great way to get kids to eat their vegetables without them knowing. I enjoy wrapping the spring rolls and I am sure kids would have fun making them. I use a food processor to cut up most of the vegetable’s, except garlic and onion where I hand chop because I cook them first. I also chop up the spinach and bok choy and add them to the garlic/onion, they shrink and only take a couple of minutes.
The best part about this recipe is you can use any vegetables because they are chopped up small. I have used a whole broccoli and cauliflower when I have made this recipe again. It’s also a good way to use up any vegetables that are close to being off instead of throwing them in the bin.
Why I use this brand food processor?
I love my food processor because it is stable when its on, it has enough power to process heavy vegetable like carrots, sweet potato and it comes with different size blade attachments and a grater attachment.
Why do you choose to eat organic food?
I choose to eat organic food because I don’t want to be putting chemicals into my body. I don’t eat processed food because there is always ingredients in them that I react to, so I cook from scratch and know exactly what is in my food. When you cook everything from scratch you don’t need preservative or addictives, I use a lot of organic herbs and spices to flavour my food.
Organic food has flavour and taste because it has all its nutrition, antioxidants and is fresher but because it isn’t grown with chemicals the food goes off quicker.
Perfect for finger food
This is my first time making vegetarian spring rolls that I could eat as well, so I wouldn’t feel left out when others were eating them.
This recipe is the perfect finger food for kids parties, engagement party, weddings, catching up with friends for lunch/ dinner, because it can be made a couple of days before an event.
Sauce for spring rolls
This is my sauce I make to go with the spring rolls, add these together in a bowl and stir, 1 tsp of BBQ Coconut Aminos, 1 tsp of Naked Coconut Aminos, 1 tsp of sesame oil, a dash of garlic powder, a dash of onion powder, a dash of salt and pepper and 1 tsp of sauerkraut.
What is Coconut Aminos and what do you use it for?
For those who must avoid soy sauce because it contains gluten, dairy, nuts, and eggs, coconut aminos is a wonderful substitute because it is organic, AIP-compliant, and FODMAP-friendly.
The sauce for dumplings and spring rolls can be made with coconut aminos, which are produced from fermented coconut blossom nectar and used in stir-fries, rice dishes, marinades, and sauces for fish, meat, and chips.
Why do you use Rice Vermicelli?
Rice Vermicelli are very thin noodles that are made from rice flour and is the missing link for the spring rolls so its not just all vegetables .
Why do you use Cassava Flour?
Because it is free of dairy, gluten, eggs, nuts, yeast, and soy, cassava flour is the main flour I use to glue everything together in my recipes. You may use it to make pancakes, donuts, wraps, pizza bases, and dumplings, among other things.
Arrowroot flour:
In addition to being used to thicken soups and sauces, arrowroot flour can be used in any recipe that calls for thickening.
What salt should I buy?
I use Murray River Salt, a mineral salt that is pink and resembles pink Himalayan salt but is unquestionably not from the Himalayas. Having said that, the majority of pink Himalayan salts sold today are not genuine because the real material is quite expensive and the majority are low-quality imitations. Therefore, it is best to just find a mineral salt in your own country or region that has not been altered or treated.
Let’s get this recipe started….
Hand chop the onion, garlic, spinach and bok choi, then add the onion to a frying pan on medium heat with a little olive oil. Add the garlic after a few minutes, and finally add the spinach and bok choi. Cook for a few more minutes then turn off the heat and let it cool down.
Use the food processor and the grater attachment to finely grate the rest of the ingredients. Place all of the grated ingredients into a large bowl with the cooked onion mixture.
Boil some water and place the Rice Vermicelli in and cook for about 5 minutes or until soft enough. If you are full AIP then use zucchini instead. Finely chop and boil in the same way.
Drain the water and add to the chopped up vegetables, I had so much it was easier to combine it all into my Wok as shown below.

Add the rest of the herbs and spices until it is fully combined and ready to be rolled.
AIP Spring Roll Wrapper
Put both the flours into a stainless steel bowl.

Put the warm water and salt into the stainless steel mixing bowl and combine.

The batter should be thin like a crepe.

Put enough batter into a carbon steel frying pan to cover the bottom of the pan.

This is what the wrapper looks like while its cooking on a high heat.

Cook on a high heat until it goes a dry white colour.

Once the wrapper goes white turn off and wait a minute before lifting up the wrapper with a stainless steel spatula and flipping it onto a wooden chopping board with the sticky side up.

Once you start to lift up the wrapper with the spatula it’s easier to to get the spatula underneath the whole wrapper.

This is what the sticky side looks like.

Let it cool down then pick up a small handful of the spring roll mixture and now put it on the spring roll wrapper.

Fold the sides of the wrapper in and then fold the back over and onto the mixture and wrap over.

Rice Paper Vegetarian Spring Roll
This is the rice paper that i use. There is water on the plate that I am soaking them in, I use 2 sheets of rice paper to wrap my spring rolls in because one sheet didn’t work as well. I soak each sheet separately in the water then place one on top of the other on another plate so its easier to wrap. If you don’t soak the rice paper long in water, they are harder to fold and wrap.

I put a lot of vegetables , herbs and spices into the mixture to give it a nice flavour.

Put the mixture closet to the bottom of the rice paper with enough room left to be able to fold the bottom over the mixture. Then fold both sides in and roll the spring roll over until you get a parcel at the end. The rice paper wrappers can be hard to fold and wrap if they haven’t been soaked in water fully and long enough.

This is what mine looked like when I rolled them up.
Why I like to use carbon steel?
Carbon Steel frying pans and wok’s don’t have a Teflon coating that is made from chemicals. If you get a scratch on a Teflon frying pan, it can leach chemicals on a high heat and then chemicals get into your food so it is safer for your health to invest in a carbon steel frying pan. Carbon steel is easy to clean and is non- stick. Even plastic spatulas start to melt at high temperatures and chemicals end up in your food, so I only use a stainless steel spatula in my frying pan.
I recommend using the product that is highlighted above from Amazon. This is what i cook with all the time.
This is my spring roll once it was fried. I use a wok to cook them in, I fitted 8 in at a time.
For the dipping sauce I combined Coconut Aminos Naked with Coconut Aminos BBQ it complemented the spring rolls really well and were delicious. I also put a teaspoon of sauerkraut into my sauce.

Vegetarian Spring Roll
So my nephew was turning 1, so I offered to help with making a couple of finger food dishes for adults and kids to eat. This is my first time making Spring Rolls, they turned out awesome.
I bought spring roll wrappers from the frozen section at any supermarket. I defrosted the packet and then cut each wrapper in half diagonally to get the triangle.
Put the mixture closet to the bottom of the rice paper with enough room left to be able to fold the bottom over the mixture. Then fold both sides in and roll the spring roll over until you get a parcel at the end.

How to cook spring rolls

This is the normal spring roll once it was fried. I use a wok to cook them in with enough oil to cover the bottom of the wok, I fitted 8 in at a time.
If you only want to cook 1 or 2 spring rolls use a small saucepan and fill with enough olive oil to cover the spring rolls. Let the oil heat up first then you can put the spring rolls in using a spatula, I use oven mitt when cooking them so that the oil doesn’t burn me because the oil does spit and it goes everywhere. I use a long pair of tongs to turn the spring rolls. They only take 5 minutes to cook. When lifting them out of the saucepan let the excess oil drain back into the saucepan.
Can I freeze them?
Yes you can freeze them once they are cooked and they will last 3-6 months.
To reheat them out of the freezer you can use an air fryer or oven. For the air fryer cook them for 5 minutes at 200℃/392℉. For the oven cook them at 180℃/356℉ for 20 minutes.

If you like this recipe you will love my other recipes.

If you try this recipe let me know in the comments below the post.
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- 1 Zucchini
- 1 Cucumber
- 1 Carrot
- 1 Onion
- 1 Garlic clove
- 1 tsp Salt
- ½ Black Pepper omit for AIP
- 1 cup Spinach
- 2 Bok choy
- ¼ Cabbage
- 1 pkt Rice Vermicelli swap for zucchini noodle AIP/Paleo
- ½ cup Cauliflower grated
- 1 tsp Garlic powder
- 1 tsp Onion powder
- 2 tbsp Coconut aminos
- 2 tbsp Coconut aminos BBQ
- 1 tsp Ground Coriander omit for AIP
- ¼ cup Cassava flour
- ¼ cup Arrowroot flour
- 1 pkt Spring roll wrapper omit for Gluten Free or AIP/Paleo
- 1 pkt Rice Paper Wraps swap for Tapioca sheets for AIP/Paleo
Spring Roll Wrapper
- ½ cup Cassava flour
- ½ cup Tapioca flour
- 1 cup Water warm
- 1½ tsp Salt
- Grate the carrot, zucchini, cucumber and add to a big stainless steel mixing bowl.
- Cut up the onion and garlic and fry until slightly brown.
- Cut up the spinach and bok choi and add to the onion and cook. The spinach and bok choi will shrink in size. It will take 5 minutes to cook. Once cooked add to the stainless steel mixing bowl.
- Finely cut up the cauliflower and cabbage into smaller pieces and add to the stainless steel mixing bowl.
- Now add salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, coconut aminos, coconut aminos BBQ, ground coriander, cassava flour and arrowroot flour.
- Cook the Rice Vermicelli boiling water then turn down to a low heat and cook until they are soft. Drain the water away and then add to the rest of the mixture. Mix well to combine.
- Once the mixture is combined use a wok to cook the mixture for 10 minutes.
- Use 2 sheets of Beetroot Rice Paper or for normal use a Spring Roll wrapper. For Beetroot Rice Paper soak on a plate with water, then put mixture at one end of paper. Fold the back up and over the mixture and fold both sides in and fold over until you get a parcel.
- Cooik in a wok on high heat.
Spring Roll Wrapper
- Put both the flours into a stainless steel bowl.
- Put the warm water and salt into the stainless steel mixing bowl and combine.
- The batter should be thin like a crepe.
- Put enough batter into a carbon steel frying pan to cover the bottom of the pan.
- Cook on a high heat until it goes a dry white colour.
- Once the wrapper goes white turn off and wait a minute before lifting up the wrapper with a stainless steel spatula and flipping it onto a wooden chopping board with the sticky side facing up.
- Let it cool down then pick up a small handful of the spring roll mixture and now put it on the spring roll wrapper.
- Fold the sides of the wrapper in and then fold the back over and onto the mixture, and wrap over. Refer to the pictures in the post.
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